Chintamani Math

Chintamani Math

Amaravathi, Hospete, Vijayanagara Dist

Brief information about Sri Chintamani Mutt

Sakshat Parashiva was incarnated in the 8th century in the village of Kaladi in the state of Kerala as a son named “Shankara” to Shivguru and Satidevi (Aryambe). In front of this Shankara, the grandson of Vidyadhiraja…he was taught by Sri Sri Govinda Bhagwatpadacharya, a disciple of Sri Sri Gaudapadacharya, and Jagadguru Sri Sankara Bhagwatpadacharya as Prasthanatraya (Upanishad, Brahma Sutra, (Bhagavad Gita) and preached Advaita doctrine to reach common people.

Many people think that Shri Shankaracharya is a Vedanti. Yes, but not only that. Shankara Bhagwatpadacharya was a revolutionary, a trailblazer. All those who followed the philosophy of Adiguru Shankara and protected the religion (country)!

Jagadguru Shankar spent most of his time in Kashi Nagar (Uttar Pradesh). When the Acharya was in Kashi, thousands were inspired by his teachings. Monks, celibates, celibates, scholars, sadhus, householders, and so many disciples…traveled to every nook and cranny of the country for the establishment of Dharma through Advaita doctrine.

Asceticism, simplicity, sacrifice, service and blissful life were his. He had sacrificed his life for the country. When Bharatambe was occupied by foreigners, the disciples who came in the legacy of Bhagwatpada stood up for the awakening of Dharma. Gurukuls were opened in various parts of the country for establishment of Vedic religion.

(Shri Shankaracharya knew in advance from a divine vision…that in the future, foreigners would invade India and convert. That is why his disciples were sent to different parts of the country to establish Gurukuls)

In the same vein, when Sri Sri Shankaracharya migrated from Kashi in North India to Kashi (Hampi) in South India, he spent some time in meditation with his disciples in the Rama Cave of Anegundi, Tungabhadra Plateau. This place had the name “Kishkinda” in Treta Yuga. Hanumanta, Sugriva, Vali (place of monkeys).

Sri Ramachandra and Lakshana meet Hanuman when they come to this Kishkinda region (Elephant) in search of Sita. Hanuman says that Sugriva will help you bring Sita from Ravana if you kill Vali. Accordingly, Sri Rama, Lakshmana, Hanuman and Sugriva all sit in the cave and hold a meeting of thought about this task. This will get the solution to the problem of Ram Lakshmana and remove the worry. Hanuman is also worried about when he will get his Guru, Hanuman’s worries are also removed due to the attainment of Rama. Sugriva is also worried about his state. Sugriva’s worry also goes away due to Ram Vali’s samahar. Shankaracharya named that place “Chintamani” because everyone’s worries became complaints.

Hanuman, “Rama” for Sugriva, “Hanuman” for Ramalakshmana.

The cave where Rama, Lakshmana, Hanuman, Sugriva meditated then, the cave where Rama left the arrow to Vali…is known as “Rama Cave” today.

Thus Anegundi is also the kshetra of Shiva (Hampi Viropaksha) and the touch kshetra of Rama. So Sri Sri Shankaracharya who was engrossed in philosophy in Rama Cave says that this is an Advaita place like Harihara Abheda Sara.

A philosopher accompanied from Kashi instructs the disciple to start a gurukula in that region. Acharya Shankar himself named that Gurukula as “Chintamani Gurukula”.

“Worry Away – Chintamani”

Sri Sri Shankaracharya’s devoted disciple who graced the throne as the first Chancellor of that Gurukula is also given the Yogapatta (name) “Sri Sri Chintamani Acharya”.

Sri Sri Chintamanaya was an Advaita Bodhanacharya, a genius, a cynic, a scholar, an idealist of social life, a seer and a visionary.

Sri Sri Chintamani Swami leads a grand Gurukula in the legacy of Jagadguru Sri Shankaracharya, based on Advaita Siddhanta for teaching Vedic Dharma, passionate, Satya Marga, Vedanta and value-based skillful, blissful living.

Chintamani Gurukula was the residence of students and faculty. Everyone used to practice yoga daily, especially Surya Namaskar.

Convinced that there was a need for a matha to strengthen theism among the people of that time (North Karnataka), Sri Sri Chintamani Swami, who had arrived from Kashi, installed “Kashi Vishweshwar and Annapurneswari” in the Gurukula… and elevated the Gurukula to a Matha.

Next, the rule that those who will be the patriarchs of this gurukula should be chaste celibates and free from family ties, will be implemented as monks. The quilt of those patriarchs became “Sri Chintamani Peetha” Chintamani Gurukula became “Sri Chintamani Math”…..the legacy continued.

Sri Chintamani Math was famous for teaching Vedanta and doing religious awakening work.

Words of Sri Sri Vidyaranya Mahaswamy :-

“Since the founders of Sri Chintamani Math are no less than us, Sri Chintamani Peeth should be given first priority over Sri Virupaksha Peeth.”

When the Vijayanagar Empire (Anegundi Math) was attacked by foreigners (Sultan, Nizam, Tipu, British)…Muslims destroyed the Shivlinga of Anegundi Sri Chintamani Math, decapitated the idol of the Guru in the Math, broke the Math, destroyed the Gurukula, confiscated all the properties of the Math during the British period. Math had been converted into a rest house for Btish travelers….Every time there was an attack, the Yatis of Sri Chintamani Peetha (of the respective period) fought and fought and protected the Math and preserved the heritage.

As the attacks increased in Anegundi, he started a branch monastery in a village called Gauripur. As Gauripura village (mutt) was given up to the government for Tungabhadra river project (mutt was submerged), the (then) Sri Chintamani Mathadhis bought (paid) land for Sri Chintamani Mutt at Amaravati in Hospet Nagar from the King of Vijayanagara and set up a branch Mutt.

So far, thirty Yathivaryas have been enthroned in this Peetha.

No matter how many attacks have been made on the Math and no matter how many attempts have been made to destroy the Math, no matter how much anyone has tried to attack the Math…it has not been possible…to this day…the legacy of the Math is alive – and continues – through the 31st Prelate Sri Sri Sivananda Bharati Chintamani Swami.

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